Friday, July 10, 2009

Interview + New Reviews

Over at Embrace the Shadows Blog today, I interviewed author Savanna Kougar. She's giving one of her books away, so be sure to drop by and leave a comment for a chance to win.
I received a review for Heaven Sent. You can read the entire review HERE. Here's a snippet...
Dawn McClure has brought us a story of strong emotion. It is a story of love, betrayal, hurt and anger that you can almost feel throughout the pages. She keeps you guessing as to who the bad person really is, one minute you think you have it figured out then she throws a hint to it possibly being someone else. I truly enjoyed this story, I laughed and I cried.
On to other news, I'm a little behind on finishing my WIP. I'd hoped to be done a few weeks ago, but summer happened. :) I have the first 200 pages with my CP, so I'm crossing my fingers in the hope that she'll like it.
I changed my website up a little. I still have to work out a few kinks, but I think it turned out pretty good.
Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little behind in my WIP too so we can share that horror. LOL. I can't wait to read Heaven Sent. I'm going to hop on over and buy it now.
