Saturday, September 12, 2009


Embrace the Shadows is now featuring authors who landed that first sale. These uplifting little segments will go up on the weekends. Today we have Sandra Sookoo, Susan Blexrud, and Kris Cook. Stop by and read the story on how they achieved that first sale.

Kate Angell will be at Plotmonkeys today, talking about The Muse. Stop by and say hi. She's giving away THREE awesome prizes to a lucky commenter. :)

On to my own news ~ Last night I was writing chapter four of my new WIP, and something kept holding me back from producing serious wordcounts. It feels very flat and explanatory to me. :( I copied and pasted my worst (what I considered my worst) paragraph into a chat room I was in. (A chat room full of writers - yeah, I have balls) My CP said that I had a lot of pronouns in it. He did...he was...he went...she turned. So I took another look, and damn, my CP was absolutely right. (God, I hope she doesn't read that last bit there.)

So, I know everyone says not to go back and edit when you're just trying to get the story out, but I have to go back on this one. There's another little, teeny, tiny issue. My hero and heroine don't have any conflict. Okay. So that's a big issue. LOL! But I can fix it. I already have a few ideas, so I'm going to go back today and try to work some magic. Another thing I'm going to focus on is my imagery. I've been slacking in that area as I try to 'get the story out.'

So, as I work on my crappy writing today, you all have a great weekend. :)
Happy reading!

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